Other features

A wide range of features, both big and small, to simplify your company's daily operations.

Company directory

The whole team at your fingertips.

Use the Directory to find contacts and other useful information about employees. Launch calls, video calls and chats directly from the Directory on Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp and other messaging systems.

Offices and teams

Organise your workforce.
Assign staff to specific offices and departments to represent your organisation.

Shift management

There has never been an easier way to manage shifts.
Create weekly or daily schedules and assign them to employees on a recurring or one-time basis, handle shift change requests, and allow staff to check their scheduled working hours at any time.


The information you need, when you need it.
Consult detailed and customisable reports that help you make data-driven decisions. Filter information by location, department and date so you can focus on what matters most.


We speak your language (not business mumbo-jumbo :P).

Our platform is in English, Spanish, Italian and French.

Integration with third-party software

Fluida "talks" to your business software.
Export data to all major payroll processing software services and integrate it with external software using Fluida's APIs.


Create your Employee Experience.

In large companies, Fluida functions as an interface that allows employers to manage the way employees interact with information systems.

Simply useful.

Streamline staff management. Start today.